From the 1860s to the present many critics
of Haussman's reconstruction of Paris have charged that the talk about
making the city more beautiful and more liveable was just a cover for
Napoleon III real agenda -- making Paris safe from revolution. Here is
an early example of that accusation.
It must be said that what are
called the embellishments of Paris are basically nothing but a general
system of offensive and defensive armament against uprising, a
precaution against future revolutions, which has been pursued for twelve
years with an indefatigable perseverance without the ingenuous
Parisian’s appearing to suspect a thing.
Quoted in T.J. Clark, The Painting of Modern Life: Paris in the Art of Manet and His Followers (New York: Alfred Knopf, 1984), p.40

Barricades in Paris During February Revolution of 1848